IATP EQAS Programs
Nationwide Parasitology EQAS Program was introduced in 2013 by Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology (IATP) to improve the diagnostic services in parasitology laboratories. It is coordinated by the joint venture of premium Institutes of the country. Nine laboratories enrolled under the program in 2013. It is appreciated in all parts of India and currently have 70 laboratories under this program. Following figure is showing the year wise number of registered laboratories under the IATP EQAS program.
EQAS material is provided by the members of the coordination committee and distributed to the participating center by the Department of Microbiology, JIPMER. Any parasitic diagnostic laboratory can register their laboratory by sending details in IATP EQAS proforma and paying nominal registration fees.

Three rounds of EQAS activity are carried out in a year consisting of two microscopic and one serology component. Feedback is given to all the centers after analyzing all reports received from the participating centers within a given time frame. Benefits of participating in EQAS activity are the introduction of quality control in laboratory services, getting IATP EQAS certificate, getting good quality rare slides and clinical samples which may be used for academic purpose. EQAS programme also provides guidance to improve the diagnostic services in parasitology.