Webinar on Parasites at the Interface of One Health Safety

To understand the impact and influence of parasites on One Health Safety. Speakers will highlight how parasitic infections could potentially threaten One Health Safety; what are the challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed; how related scientific advances in the field of bio-surveillances, genetic studies, etc have assisted in One Health Safety through the […]

Webinar Series: Future of Medical Communication

Currently medical communication has become more important after the Covid pandemic. There are different types of medical communication like technology-driven, customized medical content, and standardization prizing. This Webinar highlights the importance of the different modalities and its application in the medical field. Click here for more details. Registration Link: https://sbvu.zoom.us/j/86830194579?pwd=dFFCRkJKbUxmYXZyMU04aFNlYWNRQT09 Zoom ID : 868 3019 […]