2nd Rajasthan Chapter of India Academy of Tropical Parasitology was successfully organized by the Department of Microbiology, Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur on 13th- 14th October 2018 under the leadership of Dr. P.K. Khatri (Organizing Chairman). This Conference included three scientific activities:
- Preconference Workshop (Molecular Diagnosis of Malaria)
- Preconference CME (Current Trends in Human Parasitic Infections)
- Conference (New Challenges and Emerging Issues in Parasitology)
Dr. K.K. Sharma Award for Best Poster was awarded to Mr. Vikrant Negi (Senior Demonstrator, Department of Microbiology, Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur) and best oral presentation was awarded to Dr. Dheeraj Khandelwal (PG Final year, Department of Microbiology, Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur).